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Tri-Cities Chamber endorses BC Chamber’s public policy playbook for 2024-2025

(TRI-CITIES) August 14, 2024 — The BC Chamber of Commerce has released its 2024-2025 Policies & Positions Manual, for use as an advocacy playbook by its member Chambers and Boards of Trade across the province, including the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce. The document contains 41 policy resolutions approved at the provincial association’s Annual General Meeting and Conference held in Kelowna in May, attended by Tri-Cities Chamber Board Vice Chair Jennifer McKinnon and CEO Leslie Courchesne.

“Strong advocacy to ensure our local businesses thrive is such an important focus for the work that our Chamber does, and I was pleased the voice of Tri-Cities business was heard at the BC Chamber Conference,” said Leslie Courchesne, CEO, Tri-Cities Chamber. “When Chambers and Boards of Trade work together to leverage the power of our collective voice with all levels of government, we can affect significant change that make our businesses and communities stronger.”

The Tri-Cities Chamber endorses the broad spectrum of policies adopted in this year’s policy manual, including those addressing taxation, economic stability, innovation, public safety, and workforce issues. Some examples include:

  • Addressing Community Safety Challenges and Deficiencies in BC's Response to Toxic Drug Supply 
  • Creating Business Reporting and Taxation Regulation Efficiencies
  • Continuing to Improve the Employer Health Tax
  • Investing in Intelligence: Powering Productivity through AI
  • Supporting a Homegrown and Entrepreneurial Digital Economy in BC
  • Empower Municipalities to Support their Business Communities in Times of Crisis
  • Abandoned Vessels: Improving Oversight and Accountability
  • Simplify and Modernize the Permitting Process for BC's Trucking Industry
  • CRA Process - Cost of Ineffective Processes on Business and Management
  • A Plan Towards Fiscal Stability and Economic Stability

The policies contained in the manual are directed towards the provincial and federal governments, and together with the BC Chamber manuals for 2023-2024 and 2022-2023, and the current Canadian Chamber policy manuals, will guide the Tri-Cities Chamber’s advocacy work for the coming year.

McKinnon and Courchesne will represent the Tri-Cities Chamber’s policy interests on the national level at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce AGM and Convention on October 17-19, in Halifax.

View the full 2024-2025 Policies & Positions Manual from the BC Chamber of Commerce.

Read more about the Tri-Cities Chamber's advocacy work, and view all current policy manuals from the BC Chamber and Canadian Chamber at


Since 1971, the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce has been the largest business association serving Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Anmore, and Belcarra, now representing 1,300+ organizations from every sector. The Chamber works to foster economic development, provide connections and benefits, and influence public policy at all levels of government to ensure strong business and strong communities. The Tri-Cities Chamber is an active member of the BC and Canadian Chambers of Commerce.

For more information, contact:
Leslie Courchesne, Chief Executive Officer
Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce

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