2024 BC Provincial General Election series: “I’m an average British Columbian just like you. I struggle with the housing affordability crisis. I worry about our economic and environmental future,” says Nicola Spurling.
Read More2024 BC Provincial General Election series: “As the wife and daughter of hard working small business owners, I know first-hand the challenges that you face daily. I’m a passionate supporter of our local businesses,” says Jodie Wickens.
Read MoreTri-Cities Chamber of Commerce Board Governor Les Garrison passed away on August 27 at age 89. Garrison was a member of the Chamber for decades, serving on the Board of Directors for years, including as President (Board Chair) in 1990. He was also a long serving elected Alderman (Councillor) for the City of Coquitlam.
Read More2024 BC Provincial General Election series: “My family has owned a small business in the Tri-Cities for the last 23 years. I decided to run for MLA because I would like to see changes in our province,” says Kerry van Aswegen.
Read More2024 BC Provincial General Election series: “Before I got into politics, I worked at several companies in the tech sector, so I understand the challenges that businesses face. And I’m proud to be part of a government that’s running one of the strongest economies in Canada,” says Rick Glumac.
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